Anna Agustí Hontangas

Artists / Anna Agustí Hontangas

Anna Agustí Hontangas

The artist Anna Agustí Hontangas

Galeria Espai Cavallers


Anna Agustí Hontangas takes us to the African continent where she explores a variety of distant and complex realities with which she feels deeply connected.

Although the death of painting is regularly proclaimed, for artists like Hontangas, the practice is still a vital means of self-expression. Like Delacroix, Fortuny and more recently Barceló, Hontangas finds her main source of inspiration for expression on the African continent.

Her paintings represent known and imagined landscapes, where human figures are surrounded by vibrant colors, and where the skyline gains prominence over the textured surface of the painting. Images and emotions reveal themselves slowly, like the passage of time in Africa. Her protagonist is not only the landscape but also the faces, “exotic and mysterious faces at the same time”, the sea, “the sea that moves like a blue sky”, the people, “people walking forward with determination”, and the children, “children with no other worry than their own small area of the world”. It’s as if she wishes to capture an instant.

The work, on canvas or wood, develops as a complex dialect between the painted and added elements of collage, like a wrestling match: scratching, removing, sticking, superimposing… until the painting doesn’t need anything else and gives up.

Hontangas’ use of water and pigment stains on rough paper to suggest characters that emerge at their own rhythm. When fused with collage, the technique gives shape and meaning to the work in a direct language, showing a mastering of the mixt technique.

The success of Hontangas’ work has been achieved with a very personal work, which expresses in a close language and allows us to find, both the roots of tradition and the concerns of modernity.

The great ability to observe what surrounds her, the remarkable aesthetic sense and the perfect harmony of all the elements make a final work absolutely vivid and sincere.



SOLO exhibitions

2024           Festival Là Bas, Vu d'ici. Mes instants Trouvés. Hôtel de la Condamine, Chapelle des Orantes. Le Vigan. France.

Creació del Cartell de Setmana Santa de la Junta de Confradies de Girona

2005-2024 Galeria AMAH. Pals

2020               Moments Trobats”Afirik’a" Fundación Valvi. Girona

Whitewall Galley York, United Kingdom

201 7              Galeria Dual Girona

2018           5 aIa de Exposiciones Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Dentistas. Málaga 2016

HOM Art Gallery. 1900 Brickell Avenue. Miami. Florida. USA

2015            Cartell commemoratiu 75è Aniversari Girona Club d'Hoquei

Inauguració AMAH Workshop. C. Nou del Teatre, 9. Girona

Girona Temps de Flors. Creació de la instal·lació de la Plaça Santa Susanna. Girona

2014               Sala municipal d'exposicions de La Pobla De Claramunt. Barcelona Dia Internacional de l'Art 2014

Girona Temps de Flors. Creació de la instal·lació de la Plaça Santa Susanna. Girona

2011               Galeria Miya. Hellevetlouis Holland

L'illa d'Art. L’IIla-Diagonal. Galeria Sàfia. Barcelona. Autora de la imatge del catàleg

2009               Cartell Girona Temps de Flors 2009        Galeria Giart. Girona

Galeria Pinta. Horta de St. Joan. Tarragona

2008               Galeria Artgn Tarragona


COLLECTIVE exhibitions

2024              20 anys. 120 artistes. Fans d'art de la Fundació Valvi. Casa de la Cultura. Girona

Esfullar Roses. Col-lectiva Empordaneses. Centre Cultural Ca la Anita. Roses. VI Exposició Danes en Complicitat. Fundació Casino de Caldes de Montbui.

2023                Finalista de l’1J a edició del Premi Internacional Fundació Barcelona Olímpica Art sobre Paper

V Exposició Dones en Complicitat. Fundació Casino de Caldes de Montbui

2023                 Finalista del XI Premi International dArt sobre paper Fundació Barcelona Olímpìca

2022                Exposició Col-lectiva Festival Pepe Sales. La Mercè. Girona

2022                 Seleccionada III Certamen del Concurso Solidario de Pintura 'Sanchez ButrÓn.


2021                 Seleccionada Premio AGBAR Ciudad de Barcelona 2021. Reial Cercle Artistic

2021                Gallerie Racont‘ART. Lyon. França

2021                 Exposició Col-lectiva Festival Pepe Sales. La Mercè. Girona 2020  A&D“A d'art i D de Dona“GaIeria d'Arte Espai Cavallers. Lleida 2019         Seleccionada LXXVllConcurs de Pintura Premi Centelles 20J 9

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