Elsa Garate

The nomadic subject that Elsa proposes is a figure emphasizing the need to act simultaneously at the levels of identity, subjectivity, and differences. These are distinct requirements that correspond to different practices.
Multiplicity appears in a sequence unfolded in multiple layers in which even contradictions can find their place.
Elsa Garate's life path has always been linked to the world of Art.
After several exhibitions in Málaga at an early age, she moved to Barcelona, where she studied Art History at the University of Barcelona, as well as Graphic Design and Illustration. She then combined the creation of her artworks with her role as Creative and Artistic Director in advertising and fashion production.
The aim of her work is to provoke emotions, communicate them, share them, and thereby create a deep connection with the observer. However, these are not just any emotions; they are aesthetic emotions. The magical feeling of aesthetic emotions is a deeply personal experience, as it stems from one’s personal connection with a work of art.
Her work explores the space between realism and abstraction, finding this combination perfect for her goals.
'Emotions are energy, and when I paint emotional characters, I give them energy and drive to move into action.'
Painting provides her with the opportunity to create characters imbued with strong feelings and layers of emotional depth, as these stories arise from a place of deep emotional truths within her.
In 2010, she established her studio in Málaga, where she focused on her artistic creation. Her work has been exhibited in national and international galleries and is part of numerous private collections in Europe and the United States.
More information about the artist Elsa Garate at our Instagram @galeriaespaicavallers
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