Mercè Humedas

The artist has made illustrations for books, magazines and posters, such as the one for the Festa Major de Maig 2010 in Lleida.
She mainly produces works in acrylic and oil with a realistic tendency. She deals with interior themes in which images of daily life acquire transcendence and intimacy. Among the elements that define her work we find the way in which she works with light and shadow -as well as all her range of shades-seeking to create atmospheres, feelings, and emotions that retain moments that emanate a certain poetry.
Her paintings often speak of oblivion, of the fleetingness of time, of the reality that is diluted in time. Thus, she represents spaces where silence is felt, where the dust deposited by time on forgotten objects is seen; the ignored and unused books, the papers and filing cabinets that obstinately keep histories, records and lived experiences are reiterated. Windows and doors that open or close also appear frequently in her work; these images turn us into witnesses of other lives.
Solo Exhibitions
2016 "Realismos". Passage Gallery. Ayamonte. Huelva.
"1x15" Organized by fold. It would be ENE. Lleida.
2015 "Now 20 years ago..." Gallery Res Non Verba. Lleida.
2014 perceptions. Gallery Space G d'Art. Terrassa.
2012 Agoes, obsessions, desires... Gallery Cavalry. Lleida.
2011 El + de Merc. Humedas. Circle of Fine Arts. Lleida.
2010 Recent Work. Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital. Lleida.
2009 Between two lights. Gallery Cavalry. Lleida.
2004 Sala Manuel Garcia Sarramona. Circle Fine Arts. Lleida.
2002 "Paz Feliz" Art Gallery. Madrid.
2000 Spaces in my environment. Gothic Hall of the Institute of Ilerdencs Studies. Lleida
1999 Exhibition Hall of the International SEK College of Catalonia. La Garriga. Barcelona
1998 Municipal Hall of the Market of the Plan. Lleida City Hall.
Municipal Hall of Cambrils Exhibitions. Tarragona.
1997 Acrylics. Room B teaches. Lleida.
1995 Acrylics. Armengol Menen Gallery. Lleida.
Collective exhibitions
017 Vermuts Mir., Gremi de Galeries d'Art de Catalunya. Real Cercle Art.stic de Barcelona.
Art Fair Málaga 17. Palace of Congresses of Málaga.
Fill Festival 17. Bo. Valley. Lleida.
"Gastronomy." Benedito Gallery. Malaga.
"Dogma". Leucade Gallery. Murcia.
"Dialogues". Gallery Cavalry. Lleida.
"Expo Nadal 17." Terrassa G Art Space. Barcelona.
2016 La Casica Cool Art. Mines. Girona.
"The Cavalry's Art Drawer". Horsespace. Lleida.
"Big Format, small format. Horsespace. Lleida.
20th Birthday. Terrassa G Art Space. Barcelona.
2015 Colect Portadas Art Act. Palacio Pignatelli, seat of the Royal Artistic Circle Barcelones. Barcelona.
Collective Pleinair Festival, Mascort Foundation. Torroella de Mongu.. Girona.
2014 Castle Ple d'art. Balaguer bone. Lleida. Gallery Space G d'art. Terrassa.
Realisms. Gallery Cavalry. Lleida.
2013 Maternity Looks of Women. Gallery Cavalry. Lleida.
Lleida colors. Room the kitchen. Cultural Center Les Monges, with the Space Cava-llers Gallery. Seu D.Urgell. Lleida.
Fir ROOM ART FAIR, Hotel Praktik Metropol, with Gallery Cavalry. Madrid.
Roaming Exhibition XVII Cert den de Pintura Ciutat: Calahorra, Arrbalbal, Irbaln, Haro, Logrooo.
"Association Art Catalunya" touring Exhibition 2012. Tenth Birthday. Cal Talaver). (Verdu) and Antoni Pinyol (Reus) Gallery. Carmen Espinet Gallery. (Barna) Space G d)Art (Thirl)
Sequences. Gallery Cavalry. Lleida.
2011 Sense Lleida. Horsespace. Lleida
"IV Premi Jes”.s Barcenas". and Real Town.
"XVI Certamen Nacional Cruz Campo" traveling exhibition. Calahorra and Rioja.
2010 Weather Merged. Association (art) Catalonia. La Nau building. Tough of Mar.
2009 Art Exchanges in Catalogne. Port Barcar.s. France.
2008 Lleida Art Fair. Lleida.
Alright artists. Nothing Non Verba. Lleida.
2007 Fair Lleida Art. Lleida.
2008 Lérida perceptions. Horsespace. Lleida.
2005 50 Birthday "TOAR". Deputation of Lleida.
Exponental 05. 4Spais of Art, Gallery. Lleida.
2000 Itinerant Cola-Cao Nutrexpa. Exhibition Hall BBV in Barcelona. La Alcaza-ba de Mérida Municipal Hall.
Centro Cultural Galileo of Madrid. Palacio Pimentell of Valladolid.
1999 Lleida Artists 1979–1999. City Hall Art Fund. Gosé Room.
2017 Mention of Honor at the XXVIIIth Certamen de Painting “Ciudad de Alora” (Malaga).
Selected to the VIII Biennale of Painting "City of Carcaixent" (Valencia).
1st Prize to the XLX National Painting Certamen de Mora (Toledo).
Selected to the XLI Certamen Nacional de Pintura Vila de Pego (Alacant).
1st Prize to the X National Painting Competition "Ram).n Mu).oz Torres" Ies Luis Carrillo de de Baena (Crrdoba).
Accessed to the XXX Painting Competition "Francisco Pradilla" by Villanueva de Gallego (Saragossa).
Special mention XXXIII Certain of Artes Pl.sticas. Ayuntamiento de Ciudad Rodrigo. Sa-Lamacan.
2nd XVII Prize "Timoteo Pérez Rubio". Olive of the Border. Badajoz.
2016 Selected to XLIX National Painting Certamen de Mora (Toledo).
Accessed to the XXIX Painting Competition "Francisco Pradilla" by Villanueva de Gallego (Saragos-sa).
Selected to the XII Biennal of Plastic Arts, City of Albacete (Albacete).
1st Prize to the Certamen de Pintura Vila de Campo de Cryptana 2016 (Ciudad Real).
Selected to the Painting Prize "Fira d'Agost" of X).tiva (Valencia).
Selected to the 52nd Certamen de Painting and Sculpture Circle of Fine Arts Pozoblanco (C).doba).
The XXXIV City Hall Award Certamen de Painting "Jesus Madero". Herencia (Ciudad Real).
Selected to the XXXI Painting Course Vila de Pu).ol (Valencia).
2015 "José Arpa" Carmona National Award. Sevilla
Fundaci.n Cruzcampo LXIV Exhibition International de Oto.o, Real Academia de Be-llas Artes de Santa Isabel de Hungraa. Seville.
2013 1st XVII Prize "Calahorra City of Culture". Rioja.
2nd National Prize V Certamen de Pintura Ram.n Portillo. City of Motril. Granada.
"Corte Inglés" Award LXII National Exhibition of Autumn. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Santa Isabel de Hungraa. Seville.
2012 1st Mention of Honor XXXVI Certamen de Pintura "City of Benicarlo 9th Biennal. Castell.n.
2011 Medal of Honor XVI Certain National Foundation Cruz Campo, Calahorra City.
2nd. XXVII Prize Painting Circle of Fine Arts. Lleida.
"72 International Exhibition of Fine Arts of Valdepe”.as". Real city.
2009 Prize of Fine Arts Sant Jordi. Catalan Countries.
For more information on the Artist Mercè Humedas at Espai Cavallers Gallery
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