Shop / Sergi Barnils / Mansions de la llum

Mansions de la llum

Sergi Barnils

Llenguatges del gravat

Main features

  • Title: Mansions de la llum
  • Technical: Punta seca
  • Dimensions: 35,43x31,50 inches
  • Year: 2020
  • Price: 600 

Description of the work

The work Mansions de la llum is by the artist Sergi Barnils. Made with drypoint engraving technique, on hahnemühle paper. It has dimensions of 90 x 80 cm.

Sergi Barnils i Basomba is a Catalan painter born in Bata (Equatorial Guinea) in 1954 who works in his studio in Sant Cugat del Vallès.

In 1965 he began studying at the Art Department of Viaró with Francesc Casademont. After winning two extraordinary prizes in the VIII National and Provincial Youth Art Contest of Barcelona and after studying, among other centers, at the Barcelona School of Work, in 1975 he studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona. 'this city.

His first paintings were realistic and he also worked with ceramics, and gradually took on an abstract style with African influences and stylized characters. It is influenced by Joan Miró and Paul Klee. Almost all of his work is inspired by and nourished by the spiritual relationship with God. This is shown by the titles of his paintings and all his particular iconography. In the stage of maturity it is when it works more with the pictorial technique of the encaustic one.

Houses can have an intimate place that transforms into a gallery or creative space. There is always a window and an interior room where the reticules, the color and the gesture germinate, as happened to Sergi Barnils in this confinement that now presents us in another space, adapted as a face-to-face exhibition hall and online, in the family experience of Josep CanaIs in Sant Cugat del Vallès.

For more information on the work Mansions de la llum, in the Espai Cavallers gallery.

Artist biography

Sergi Barnils

Sergi Barnils i Basomba és un pintor català nascut a Bata (Guinea Equatorial) l’any 1954 que treballa al seu estudi de Sant Cugat del Vallès.

Espai Cavallers Gallery

El 1965 va començar a estudiar al Departament d’Art de Viaró amb Francesc Casademont. Després de guanyar dos premis extraordinaris en el VIII Certamen Nacional i Provincial Juvenil d’Art de Barcelona i després d’estudiar, entre altres centres, a l’Escola del Treball de Barcelona, el 1975 va cursar estudis a la Facultat de Belles Arts d’aquesta ciutat.

Les seves primeres pintures eren realistes i també va treballar amb ceràmica, i de mica en mica va anar agafant un estil abstracte amb influències africanes i personatges estilitzats. Rep influències de Joan Miró i Paul Klee. Gairebé tota la seva obra s’inspira en la relació espiritual amb Déu i se’n nodreix. Així ho demostren els títols de les seves pintures i tota la seva iconografia particular. En l’etapa de maduresa és quan més treballa amb la tècnica pictòrica de l’encàustica.



Cambra Confinada – Minut 1 del 2021” Curator: Glòria Bosch,Canals Galeria d’Art, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Spain) January to March.

“Ànima i espiritualitat” Fundació Pinnae Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona) March-April. “Cambra Confinada” Galeria Atelier (Barcelona) April-May. “Cambra Confinada “ Espai Cavallers (Lleida) July.


“Espai Casa Amatller” Barcelona (Spain). “Jaspi” Curator: Frederic Cabanes. Text by Ramon Balasch. Fundació Cabanes, Casa-Museu del Gerrer Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona). “Pedra Cèlica” Marco Rossi Arte Contemporanea – Milan – Italy. Rohnerhaus – Bregenz. Austria – Courtesy of Klaus Drobig.


“Ciutat Engalanada” Franca Pezzoli Arte Contemporanea Clusone BG (Italy).“La Capuccina” Marco Rossi Arte Contemporanea. Borgomanero (Italy)


“Sergi Barnils – Revelació” Palazzo Anguissola di Cimafava Roca. Piacenza (Italy) Curators: Prof. Ignacio Arroyo and Mr. Nino Sindoni.. La sublimitat de l’ordre còsmic “ Galérie St. Jacques– Charity Auction organized by Vida y Libertad ONG-Barcelona – Brussels (Belgium). “Maran-Ata” Fundació Vila Casas – Curators: Glòria Bosch, Daniel Giralt-Miracle. Exhibition director: Isabel Gómez Rovira

For more information on the paintsEspai Cavallers Gallery

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