Jordi Bresolí
Main features
- Title: ST
- Technical: Acrylic on paper
- Price: 150 €
Description of the work
The work ST by the artist Jordi Bresolí.
Mixed technique: Drawing, acrylic on craft paper. It has dimensions of 30 x 27 cm.
Espai Cavallers Gallery.
It's almost Christmas and like every year at Christmas, the Espai Cavallers gallery is organizing a collective exhibition with the title #di8Nadals.
On the 4th of December at 12 noon and can be seen until the 21st of January
This exhibition brings together various disciplines, styles and artistic concepts to offer visitors a visual spectacle of plural richness and above all close, which is aimed at all audiences and ages, accessible to all types of people.
In this exhibition you can see the work and works of the artists:
Sònia Alins, Carles Alberdi, Joan Artigas Planas, Jordi Bresolí, Lily Brick, David Callau, Marta Fàbregas, Rosa Galindo, Núria Guinovart, Narcís Gironell, Mercè Humedas, Laura Iniesta, Koyama, Didier Lourenço, Carme Magem, Josep Moscardó, Montse Pellejà , Perico Pastor, Laia Pla, Marta Pruna, Magí Puig, Aurembiaix Sabaté, Philip Stanton, Benjamí Tous, Mª Rosa Vidal Tosas, Joaquín Ureña.
For more information about the collective exhibition #di8Nadals at Espai Cavallers.
Artist biography
Jordi Bresolí
The artist Jordi Bresolí was born in Lleida on December 13, 1980.
He studied artistic baccalaureate at the Màrius Torres high school. He then moved to Tàrrega to study the intermediate and advanced degree modules in artistic forging and sculpture at the Ondara school. When finishing the school it decides still to be totally with the painting.
In its first stage it focuses on a more realistic type of language, using oil painting working from glazes. As it evolves it leaves behind all the more figurative aspect and focuses on the study of new materials in a more abstract expressionist field. This whole stage of new experiments and research will finally lead him to work with a series of more natural materials. It uses pigments based on earth, clays, oxides, etc … and developing a purely geometric language.
“In a work, not only the intention and the visual aspect is important, but also the base in which the work is painted, like the materials that are used in her. Against purer the base, against purer are the materials and the way the work is displayed, the higher, more accessible and healing the vibration will be towards the spectator “
For more information on the artist Jordi Bresoli at Espai Cavallers Gallery